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Showing posts from December, 2011

Query Pivot in MySQL

Basically this blog post is about dynamic columns in MySQL queries.  Since you can't run "pivot" queries in MySQL, how do you write queries that return an arbitrary number of columns (perhaps based on the number of rows in another table)? The answer is simple: you can't... at least not in a single query.  The best way to do this is to run two queries and generate the SQL for the 2nd query based on the results of the 1st query. Imagine this table of product sales: ProductID CustomerID Unit Sales 1 1 20 1 2 50 2 1 20 2 2 70 2 3 90 Maybe you want your result set to look like this... ProductID Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 1 20 50 0 2 20 70 90 Write this query first: SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName FROM `customers` Store the results into $rows.  For each $row, append this string to $fields: ", SUM(CASE WHEN CustomerID=$row[0] THEN `Unit Sales` ELSE 0 END) AS $row[1]" Then... write this query: "SELECT ProductID

IE Sucks

I am so frustrated right now that I am going to dedicate an entire blog post to how crappy Internet Explorer is. With all due respect, Microsoft, IE is terrible. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, The Management

Why Node.JS?

This article is for those of us who have heard all of the buzz about Node.JS and they need to convince their boss or their clients to make the switch.  Or, perhaps... you're not quite convinced yet? Why Node.JS? Reason #1 - JavaScript is awesome.  So, in case you didn't know, JavaScript is awesome.  I'll let you read my other blog post  for more details, but I'll also summarize for you: The language itself is extremely powerful.  JavaScript comes packed with modern programming language features like closures, dynamic data types, first-class and higher-order functions, prototypes (not classes), lack of concurrency  (more on this later), exception handling, garbage collection, and much, much more!  These features help make your code better, keep you from making mistakes, and make your applications more bulletproof. JavaScript is widely adopted.  It's the scripting language of the web.  Need I say more?  Almost any device with a web browser can run JavaScript c