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Showing posts from February, 2012

Sending Mail in PHP

Email sucks, and it's incredibly broken! I mean.... sending an email in Gmail is obviously quite trivial.  But working with SMTP and email servers... not so much. Most people take email for granted.  It was invented way before I was born... way before Windows 95, Windows 3.1, or even DOS!  What?!?! Yeah... so not surprisingly, email sucks.  Remember... DOS sucked and Windows 95 sucked (not at that time, of course).  In fact, email sucks so much, it makes me sad that we still use it.  It's almost embarrassing... almost as embarrassing as Internet Explorer. Don't believe me?  Just go to the Postfix mail server documentation page.  Their website is straight out of the late-80's.  I think there might be one  image on the entire website?  After all, we can't have those 4.8K modems downloading images... it will take too long, tie up your phone line, and waste too much bandwidth.  :) So, why am I complaining about email?  Yeah... so all I wanted to do was send ma