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Showing posts from June, 2012

JavaScript is weird and cool

One thing I never really liked about JavaScript was the way it treats null , undefined , and false .  It's just, well... weird. Another example of this that I discovered today... null is greater than or equal to zero, but it's not greater than 0, nor is it equal to zero.  WTF? null > 0 false null >= 0 true null == 0 false

Wedding Prediction - October, 2013

Carla and I are planning on getting married sometime in October next year.  We need to pick a date, and that decision may  involve some science and mathematics.  :) For example, we want the weather to be nice.  To be more precise, we'd like the high temperature for the wedding day to be between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Obviously, we have both lived in Ohio our entire lives, and we have a pretty good idea of what the weather will be like.  We both hypothesised that October was a "hit or miss" sort of month; it could be cold, or it could be nice. But, for me, a simple hypothesis was not enough; I really wanted to know the probabilities of decent weather based on historical weather data.  Many websites on the Internet (i.e. charge you to review historical weather data, but Carla and I discovered a cool page on that provided exactly what we wanted.  I loaded the historical temperature data from 1903 to 2011 for two particular dates of int