As a web developer, generally speaking, you should consider supporting the following browsers (at the time of this writing): Chrome (latest) - the browser that sets the bar for the others; you should be using it and supporting it Internet Explorer 9+ - the browser that finally caught up with the times a bit; basically, a Chrome wannabe. I still say that IE sucks... even if it really doesn't anymore. Yes... I'm sour about IE8 and below. Internet Explorer 8 - the old, sad browser that we sadly still have to support for a while. CSS 3 is not well-supported here, so we use projects like CSS3 PIE or whatever. By the way... IE8 sucks. I can't wait until this comes off of the list. Firefox (latest) - the browser that was once awesome and has sadly suffered recently because it's slower than Chrome... but hey, lots of people still use it. Safari (latest) - Watch out for Safari as more iPhones, iPads, Macs, and more overly-priced Apple products flood the ...
Blog about science and technology, especially software development and space ships. ;) Blake is a software developer who specializes in building inventory management and project management solutions for small or mid-sized businesses. He also spends a fair amount of time on embedded software and database research.